
Marketing news, trends and insights straight out of Cleveland, Ohio.

epa03453939 A roller coaster is left stranded in the ocean after Casino Pier was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, USA, 31 October 2012. The US East Coast was to start picking up the pieces on 31 October after superstorm Sandy left at least 33 people dead and damage estimated in the billions of dollars. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the largest US city was going 'back to business' and bus routes would be fully reopened 31 October. The subway would probably take another four or five days to resume operations, he said late 30 October. Some flights were to also resume. US President Barack Obama visited New Jersey on 31 October with the state's governor, Chris Christie, for a first-hand impression of the damage.  EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS ** Usable by LA Only **

What Hurricane Sandy Can Teach Us About Marketing

If you’re anywhere on the East Coast, odds are you spent some of the... read more

Halloween and the Principle of ROI

Halloween is always fun—if you’re a kid or a horror movie junkie (because who... read more

Cut Your Marketing Costs in Half: Top Ways To Maximize Marketing Spend

Marketing efficiently is difficult; unless your company has millions of dollars in extra cash,... read more

Mobile Websites: How to Make Sure Your Site is Optimized for Mobile

The mobile web revolution is reaching an apex where soon, web visitors will be... read more

The Science of Liking: Why Do People “Like” Brands on Facebook?

Let’s say you’ve got your social media marketing strategy—you’re going to start modestly, and... read more

Social Media: The Line Between Personal and Professional

Pursuing a social media marketing campaign can seem ideal for developing a strong customer... read more

Mobile Emails: The Latest Study and Trends

If you aren’t considering the mobile crowd in your email marketing campaigns, it’s time... read more

B2C Strategies for B2B Marketing

B2B and B2C businesses may seem like they operate in two different worlds, with... read more

Honing Your Brand Language: How Content Marketing Can Shape Your Voice

So you’ve already put effort into building your brand… maybe you’ve developed a logo... read more

SEO to Capture, Content to Keep

Marketing, in its most basic form, is getting someone’s attention. But if that attention... read more