If you aren’t getting enough conversions, these could be the reasons why.
Conversions are what keep your business alive. For B2C companies, they represent product purchases and direct revenue. For B2B companies, they represent prospects who become full-fledged leads. Either way, they represent more revenue or revenue potential for your business, and without them, your business stands to suffer.
So why aren’t you getting more of them?
It could be that your calls-to-action simply aren’t visible enough. People might not know they’re there, or they might not be drawn to them. If you want your users to convert, you have to grab their attention immediately by use of striking imagery or strategic placement. Just don’t go overboard at the expense of your aesthetic integrity.
Users aren’t very patient when it comes to conversions. If it takes too long to complete the process, or if it takes too many steps, or if it’s confusing, or if you ask for too much personal information, they might bail on you. As a general rule, you want to make this process as smooth and simple as possible for the average user.
All conversions are a value exchange; users are giving you either money or personal information in exchange for what you’re offering. If the value isn’t there, they won’t convert. For example, are you expecting new leads to fill out their information without offering something in exchange, like a piece of content or a free trial?
If you have a good value to offer your prospects, you still need to convince them that it’s worth the trade. This is where the persuasiveness of your copy (and even your design) come into play. Make them feel the need to convert.
Everybody wants more conversions, but you have to work hard to earn them. Addressing the potential problems listed above can get you started in the right direction, but you’ll need to commit to better performance through AB tests and other measures if you want to maximize your revenue potential.