
Marketing news, trends and insights straight out of Cleveland, Ohio.

Are You Tweeting Right? How Can You Tell?

Twitter remains a very powerful and often used social media tool for local businesses... read more

The Science of Liking: Why Do People “Like” Brands on Facebook?

Let’s say you’ve got your social media marketing strategy—you’re going to start modestly, and... read more

Social Media: The Line Between Personal and Professional

Pursuing a social media marketing campaign can seem ideal for developing a strong customer... read more

Don’t Lose your Followers—Top Twitter Mistakes to Avoid

Getting involved in Twitter is almost always a good idea. With short posts, fast... read more

Social Media Marketing: Are you Doing it Wrong?

By now, every company is painfully aware how important social media marketing has become.... read more

Facebook’s IPO: How Hype can Overpromise and Under-deliver

Facebook’s Initial Public Offering last Friday was no subtle financial maneuver. Even people who... read more