Don’t neglect these three important conversion fundamentals.
Conversion optimization is all about getting more signups, more purchases, and ultimately, more revenue for your site. There are hundreds of ways you can optimize your site for conversions, including psychological tricks like including more images of people, but the most effective tactics are also the simplest and most straightforward. Unfortunately, many marketers forget them.
These are some of the most important conversion fundamentals you can’t afford to forget:
- It’s all about value. All conversions are an exchange of value. Sometimes it’s an exchange of money for a product, and sometimes it’s an exchange of personal information for a free piece of content or other benefit. Either way, you need to make sure your offer is worth what you’re asking your visitors to give you. If not, beef up the offer.
- More visibility isn’t always better. Your conversion opportunity needs to be visible, but cramming it down your visitors’ throats isn’t a good strategy either. Keep it visible and prominent, but don’t be obnoxious with it.
- If they lose focus, they won’t convert. Customers can lose focus easily, and if they lose focus, they aren’t going to convert. Make sure you don’t have too many options on your page, and don’t distract them with other interactive opportunities. You’ll also want to make the conversion process as simple as possible.
As long as these three fundamentals remain at the center of your campaign, you’ll have a much higher conversion rate driving your site’s profitability.