Indiana Jones is well known for his attitude, intelligence, and dexterity, but there are some solid marketing principles you can learn from the adventurer.
Indiana Jones, the star of four feature films and a central point of pop culture legend, is epitomized by Harrison Ford’s performance and continues to have a lasting influence in the realm of action and adventure movies. Some people like him for his wit, others for his stamina and abilities. But we like him because he’s a damn fine example of solid marketing practices. We know. We’re weird.
But let’s take a look at this objectively—see how Indiana Jones is a shining example of great marketing fundamentals with these five tips:
1.      Keep your look consistent. Picture Indiana Jones right now. He’s wearing that hat, right? That’s because Indiana Jones has a consistent image, and it sticks with you as part of his identity. In the same way, you need to make sure your branding is 100 percent consistent across every platform.
2.      Spend some time in the library. It’s exciting to get out and do the fun stuff, but Indiana Jones also spends plenty of time in the library, researching. Like a good archaeologist, you should spend plenty of time researching before you take any actions.
3.      Don’t forget your end goal. Dr. Jones gets into lots of strange encounters, but he never forgets or abandons his main quest, which is usually some sort of treasure. Likewise, as a marketer, you should never forget your end goals.
4.      Keep your cool. Savvy marketers are able to weather the storms. If you hit a couple weeks of low figures, don’t abandon all hope. Indiana stays cool even in tough situations—you must do the same if you want long-term results.
5.      Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t take risks. Take Indiana Jones as inspiration—he messes up plenty, but still ends up the hero in the end.
If you want to see success as a marketing professional, take these lessons as inspiration. There’s no advice on how to deal with snakes, but your ROI will improve regardless.
photo credit: kennymatic via photopin cc