Press releases are one of the greatest tools you have as a stratup tech entrepreneur, and these are the ways you can make them work for you.
It can be hard to get attention or momentum right away for any startup tech company, especially when you’re starting from scratch. New releases and major breakthroughs in your technology might go unnoticed or unappreciated by the masses, or you might just be struggling with finding an initial customer base.
There are a variety of ways an inbound, content-focused strategy can help you build and grow a solid base of clients and fans, but many entrepreneurs focus only on one channel of content marketing, such as blogging or social media, and neglect other channels of syndication. One of the most effective channels, and strangely one of the most neglected, is the press release. Here are four ways you can use press releases to improve your startup tech company’s visibility:
1.      Get new customers. This is probably the most obvious way to use a press release, but it’s worth discussing. If you position your press release in a way that introduces your concept to new people and syndicate your material in channels you haven’t been exposed in yet, you will maximize your chances.
2.      Attract attention to a new feature. Social media works well for announcing a new feature, but you can always get a better boost by utilizing a press release as a complementary measure. Press releases are perfect for drawing attention to new releases in the tech world.
3.      Catch the interest of investors. Early on in your company’s development, don’t underestimate press releases as a way to catch the attention of venture capitalists who are looking to make an investment.
4.      Generate social traffic. Finally, make sure you link back to your social media profiles. Articles are great fodder for social sharing, and you can get a lot of new followers with a well-worded, well-timed press release.
Try using one or more of these strategies for your press releases, and you’ll see the results almost immediately. Make sure you syndicate at least one per month.