Whether you’re an avid comic reader or just know the X-men by name alone, we bet you didn’t expect to learn something about marketing from the mutant superheroes.
In a universe rich with different powered heroes and villains, the X-men have made a name for themselves in comics, TV shows, and films. With Professor X and Magneto serving as analogues for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, respectively, the series has been noted for its lessons and illustrations on race relations. But the series can also teach you a lesson or two on marketing.
Check out these five marketing tips you can learn from the superhero franchise:
1. Practice Makes Perfect. Nobody has control over their powers in the beginning. Like with any marketing channel, it takes time and practice to gain full control and direction.
2. Nothing is Black and White. Even Magneto, one of the greatest comic book villains of all time, is noble in some regards. Don’t treat your target audience like they all belong in the same category. Treat them as uniquely as you can.
3. Look for the Right People. Professor X doesn’t let just anybody join the X-men. Take time to build your marketing team and partnerships, and truly commit to those professional relationships by working together as a team.
4. The World is Always in Danger. Save the world, and it’ll just need saving again in a week. Solve a marketing problem, and another will immediately sprout. Stay on your toes, and be proactive to stay ahead of the game.
5. Be Aware of Your Competitors’ Strengths. Don’t let your enemies’ powers take you by surprise. Understand what your competition is doing, how they’re doing it, and why they’re doing it.
If you liked this entry in our “marketing tips to learn from _____” series, be sure to check out our entries on Iron Man, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Terminator, and Lex Luthor, too!