The mobile web revolution is reaching an apex where soon, web visitors will be just as likely, or more likely to come from a mobile device than they are a conventional laptop or desktop computer. So what does this mean for you, exactly? If your company has a website, and you haven’t considered how it looks mobile, these tips will help you figure out how to maximize your mobile web presence without sacrificing the power of your brand.
Keep it Concise!
Only include the most relevant information on your main website, especially the homepage. You’ll always want to maintain your brand’s voice but avoid spending an inordinate amount of time developing long, droning copy on the front page. Conventional web users might just tolerate it, but one glance at a wall of text on a mobile phone, and your potential lead will exit out and never look back.
Reduce Your Loading Time
If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load, you’re doing something wrong. You may need to redevelop your web page, but the results will be worth it—make sure your potential customers and web visitors aren’t forced to wait for laggy download times. As an addition to this, do not use flash on your site—flash videos are not supported on smartphones, and they also increase the load time dramatically.
Consider the Power of Touch
Clicking used to mean everything, but now, your site needs a number of “touchable” features. With more mobile web users daily, you’ll need to include a sufficient number of big, easy to touch buttons, and pre-populate fields whenever possible.
If you’re interested in building a mobile-optimized web page from scratch, or if you need more information on just how and why mobile websites work, contact us to discover how Quez can help!