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Lead Magnet Content: 5 Keys to Success

Lead magnets are very powerful – if you can use them correctly.

A lead magnet is a piece of content, or something similar, designed to naturally attract leads to your business. Most commonly, businesses offer pieces of premium content like books, white papers, and pieces of original research in exchange for a few pieces of contact information; if a user provides their name and email address, they’ll be provided with a free copy of the content via email.

Hypothetically, this is a mutually beneficial exchange. The user gets a piece of content. The business gets a new lead.

But if you’re going to be successful with lead magnet content, there are five important keys to success to understand:

  1. Know your audience. First, you need to know your audience. There’s no such thing as a generic lead magnet that appeals to everyone equally; you need to develop a lead magnet with a specific target audience in mind. Doing so greatly increases your appeal and ensures that the leads you generate are actually relevant to your brand.
  2. Do something original. There are millions of companies producing lead magnets for the sake of lead generation, including dozens or hundreds that could be considered your competitors. If you want to stand out, you need to offer something truly original. Offer something that people can’t get elsewhere.
  3. Provide genuine value. Next, you need to provide genuine value. Offering up a name and email address isn’t a huge sacrifice, but many people are still reluctant to do so unless they have a good reason. Your content needs to be insightful, helpful, or otherwise valuable.
  4. Demonstrate your expertise. You won’t have much success with your leads unless you make a good impression with your lead magnet. That’s why it’s so important to use your premium lead magnet as an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and authority. Prove your trustworthiness!
  5. Motivate action. Finally, motivate action. Yes, you have this person’s name and e-mail address, so you can mark it to them directly in the future. But your lead magnet will be much more valuable if it naturally encourages people to take further action, such as reading your blog, signing up for a free trial, or even just engaging with your brand on social media.

Developing a good piece of lead magnet content takes expertise and a lot of work. But it’s much easier when you’re working with professionals. If you’re in the market for premium content, or practically any digital marketing services, reach out today for a free consultation!


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